Signature Dry Gin
750 ml | 40% Abv
Crafted by traditional vapor infusion, our Signature Dry Gin is a versatile, flavor-rich spirit that's sure to elevate any cocktail experience. This American Gin presents a uniquely balanced blend of 12 botanicals, offering a floral, citrusy zest, complemented by undertones of evergreen and spice. Each sip delivers a satisfyingly complex body, leading to a crisp, clean finish.
This gin’s complexity unfolds beautifully in a Gin & Tonic, where its floral and citrus notes are elevated by the effervescence and quinine's slight bitterness. In a Tom Collins, the gin's multifaceted profile is complemented by the cocktail's sweetness and lemony tartness, making for a refreshingly sophisticated drink.
Tasting NoteS
Floral, summer meadow notes, followed by a citrus medley of lemon and orange peel, and the piney scent of juniper.
Layered with flavors, evolving from citrus to floral, ending with an evergreen crescendo and a hint of spice.
Elegantly smooth and refreshing, leaving a crisp aftertaste of juniper, a bright citrus zest, and a hint of cucumber and rose.
Awards & REVIEWS
San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2024
Gold Medal
Ascot Awards 2024
London Spirits Competition 2024
Silver Medal
Gold Medal
Gin raiders
The Tasting Panel Magazine
96 Points
95 Points
Suggested Recipes
The Signature G&T
Gin Basil Smash
The Waymartini
Classic Negroni